These FAQ's are designed to provide a better understanding of @Comm's call accounting solutions and offer technical tips. The information provided is basic, but covers some fairly complex topics.
If you have any questions about @Comm's products that are not covered here or elsewhere on our website, please email support@atcomm.com and we will be glad to help.
FAQs - General
Question: Can CommView Plus or CommView Cloud work on multiple phone systems?
Answer: Yes. Both
CommView Plus and
CommView Cloud are designed to provide uniform call accounting and reporting for a variety of environments ranging from simple, single site voice networks to complex multi-site, multi-vendor voice networks.
Question: How many phone systems can CommView Plus or CommView Cloud support?
Answer: There is virtually no limit to the number of phone systems from which
CommView Plus or
CommView Cloud can obtain and process CDR/SMDR. Reports may be run on data obtained from one phone system in your network, all phone systems or any combination.
Question: Can CommView Plus work on a TDM PBX? How about an IP-PBX? Or both?
Answer: Yes.
CommView Plus and
CommView Cloud are able to provide uniform call accounting and reporting in environments that utilize TDM or IP-PBXs, or environments with both. The types of reports and the presentation of data is dependent on the values appearing in the raw data we receive. Not all CDR/SMDR contains the same fields, even from the same manufacturer.
Question: How secure is CommView Cloud?
Answer: CommView Cloud, our cloud-based service, is designed with access and data security in mind. Subscribers to the
CommView Cloud service enjoy the security associated with automated transfer of CDR/SMDR data via SFTP while all web reporting sessions utilize secure SSL 128-bit encryption.
Question: How long does it take to get started with CommView Plus or CommView Cloud?
Answer: Many customers have experienced the benefits of
CommView Plus during the same day that they start the process. This requires that basic planning and preparation occurs before the physical install activity begins. A typical implementation of
CommView Plus involves preparation of the machine environment, readiness of the PBX for SMDR/CDR access, preparation of the directory and other configuration parameters. @Comm
support can assist and lead you through the process to shorten the elapsed time involved.
CommView Cloud can shorten the process as the focus can be on raw CDR/SMDR collection. If directory and other customer parameters can be ready, the service can take minutes to activate.
Question: How do I schedule reports to be delivered automatically?
Answer: It is quite simple. All you need to know is the recipient’s email address and the format of the report file they prefer. We find that once most of our customers determine the type of report that best suits their needs; they prefer to have the report automatically delivered by email to themselves or to others on a periodic basis. Our suggestion is to define the report as if to run to screen but then email as the output and specify the frequency. Setting a filter parameter on the date range of the calls you want is important since the range will be advanced by that same frequency.
Question: Can I get the summary reports with drill down to details on a scheduled report?
Answer: Drilldown is a standard benefit found in on demand reporting to screen. This benefit may be extended to reports delivered by email provided that the recipient has the application installed that supports viewing a crystal report file. This application is provided at no cost by the developer and may be accessed through this link
Question: Can CommView Plus or CommView Cloud report on my wireless calls?
Answer: Yes.
CommView Plus and
CommView Cloud can be configured to import a customer’s wireless bill (if provided electronically with call detail) to report on a users wired and wireless calling activity.
Question: We have CommView Plus reporting on our TDM PBX and will be migrating to VoIP shortly, what should we do?
Answer: Be assured that
CommView Plus or
CommView Cloud can be reconfigured to report on data from the VoIP PBX you deploy in the future. Implement CommView Plus or CommView Cloud today and use it to determine your bandwidth needs by reporting on your existing call traffic and continue to benefit from call accounting and reporting post migration.
Question: Can I give department heads and others the ability to generate reports for their own departments?
Answer: Yes. Using the browser-based interface associated with
CommView Plus or
CommView Cloud, Telecom and IT Mangers are able to off-load the reporting responsibilities from their department to their internal customers by providing them with restricted reporting access to their own department (site or extension). Reporting access includes immediate on demand reporting with on-screen drill-down, custom report configuration through filtering and sorting, scheduled report generation and distribution via e-mail.
Question: What are the reporting differences between CommView Plus and CommView Cloud?
Answer: CommView Cloud provides the reporting and administration capabilities that its premise-based counterpart
CommView Plus provides including: automatic report generation & distribution via email, on-screen drill-down and browser based directory administration. Users wishing to view the dashboard and scheduler via browser or have the desire to implement functionality that may require professional service development will be better served by investing in our locally hosted solution:
CommView Plus.
Question: We only want to report on a couple of departments, what are our options with @Comm?
Answer: For companies looking to report on a subset of their voice network, @Comm is able to tailor a subscription to its
CommView Cloud service that enables reporting on the departments or extensions the subscriber specifies.
FAQs - Extension list
Question: Can CommView Plus or CommView Cloud retrieve updates to my extension list?
Answer: Yes.
CommView Plus can be configured to import updates to its extension list on-demand or on a scheduled basis from a .CSV source. Avaya, Cisco, NEC and Mitel station/phone exports are examples of sources of data that we are familiar with. Other sources, such as Active Directory may contain relevant information related to names, departments, etc. but must contain the value that relates to the extension/endpoint that would match the values we will receive in the raw CDR/SMDR.
CommView Cloud shares this capability but with only the on-demand import option.
Question: Why am I seeing undefined extensions in my organization reports?
Answer: In many cases, the PBX has end points or devices that may not directly relate to a known person that belongs in your directory. Move, Add, Change activity performed in the phone system that is not coordinated with maintenance of the call accounting may lead to discrepancies. Furthermore, CDR records have defined fields for originating and terminating extensions. Recently, the number of calls being forwarded externally had dramatically increased. These tandem calls will often generate records that do not reference an extension and will often appear as incoming calls to "extensions" that are external numbers. If a record contains a value that is not a known extension or associated with a defined function,
CommView Plus will mark this as an undefined extension for organizational reporting. We provide an easy filtering option to exclude these from reports. @Comm
support can assist you in the investigation of these events to ensure that the CDR records are being processed correctly and that the activity is valid.
Question: Why do I need to add extensions into the database? Won’t the calls made from unlisted extensions be reported?
Answer: All call activity is recorded whether the extension is listed within the database. The purpose of adding extensions is to:
- associate a name to an extension in reports
- enable Organization level value for report filtering and/or sorting (department, cost center, type)
- provide different pricing schemes for Staff, Vendor, Resident, etc. type phones.
- maintain different grace periods (to drop unanswered calls) between personnel phones, fax or console phones.
- maintain a history of phone assignments
- track calls made using authorization codes and assign these calls to the individual’s extension or Billing ID placing the call.
- assign phantom Billing IDs to individuals with authorization codes but no physical extension.
FAQs - Installation/Configuration
Question: Can I put CommView Plus or CommView Cloud on a virtual server?
Answer: Yes, provided all the requirements are met, the server may be a virtual machine.
FAQs - Hardware/Database Maintenance
Question: What are the hardware requirements for CommView Plus and CommView Cloud?
Answer: @Comm has published minimum hardware requirements for
CommView Plus bundles. Since different customer configurations may benefit from adjustments to these specifications, we welcome customers to contact us for application-specific refinements.
Question: My database is expanding, is that a problem?
Answer: The database should ideally be pre-sized to store approximately 2 to 3 years’ worth of call records. This will prevent expansion which can result in possible database fragmentation. Contacting @Comm
support for assistance with database sizing and archiving of data is recommended.
Question: How can I tell if calls are being made by new extensions that have not been added to my extension list database?
Answer: All call activity is recorded even if the extension is not listed within the database. Running a Call Summary Report using an outer sort of Organization 1 and inner sort of Extension will display those extensions that are not currently entered into the extension database as well as the number of calls they are making in the Undefined section at the top of the report.
Question: How often should I backup my database?
Answer: An automated database backup can be scheduled from CommView Plus and the resulting file should be copied to a network or external drive. In the event of a disk crash you could lose everything so the frequency of backup is determined by you. Our recommendation is that a daily database backup be scheduled and that the CommView folder and subfolders be backed up anytime configuration changes are made such as pricing, SMDR/CDR changes, etc.